Become a GRITS Sponsor

The Gulf Region ITS (GRITS) Chapter of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITSA) has several opportunities for public and private agencies (and individuals) to support Chapter programs and activities.  This is a chance to show your support for advancing the knowledge and advancement of Intelligent Transportation Systems in the region, and particularly in the states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.  Sponsors of GRITS become partners with other interested public, private and academic agencies involved in the ITS Industry.  Sponsorship opportunities include the following:

Founding Sponsor:
This was a one-time opportunity for a company or agency to help get the GRITS Chapter firmly established by creating an initial program fund.  The amount to become a founding sponsor was $1000.  Founding Sponsors are permanently noted on the Chapter web site and prominently displayed in all newsletters and at each official Chapter meeting.  The Founding sponsorship was available until March 31st, 2010.

Annual Sponsorship:
A member company or agency may annually support the chapter on a calendar year basis by contributing at one of the following levels:  

 Annual Benefit 

Diamond $1000

Platinum $500 Gold $250 Silver $100
Posting on the web site by level (logo, contact info, short description, web link)





Annual Meeting Program ad  Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Business Card
Posting at all GRITS events   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Materials in Annual Meeting registration packet   Yes  Yes  No  No
Special Recognition at Annual Meeting  Yes  Yes  No  No
Organizational Membership (includes 5 members)  Yes   No  No  No

To sign up to become an annual sponsor simply select the appropriate options during online member registration.  You should also email a brief description of your organization, contact info and logo to: [email protected]

Special Sponsor Opportunities
Over and above annual sponsorship, agencies and companies will be able to sponsor specific aspects of official Chapter meetings.  These sponsorship opportunities and their costs will be determined and offered on an individual meeting basis.  Examples of opportunities may include:
  • registration packets/bags,
  • meeting programs,
  • name tags/lanyards,
  • refreshment breaks,
  • receptions and meals,
  • technical tours, and
  • door prizes